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Drug Class Season 3 Set of 13 DVDs

Drug Class Season 3 Set of 13 DVDs

Drug Class Season 3 Set of 13 DVDs
Product Number 1862A
Price: $459.97


Drug Class Season 3 Set of 13 DVDs

- 13-Part, TV-Quality, Drug Prevention Program
- Ideal for Middle School and High School Teens
- High-Interest Series Promotes Discussion
- Perfect for Prevention and Recovery Classes

This season continues to follow a group of kids struggling with varying levels of drug and alcohol consumption. Their stories are interwoven with Rand Teed's drug classes, his counseling sessions, interviews, their everyday lives, and their personal diary cams. Rand Teed challenges the students with the question: "Is your life better or worse from using drugs?" DVDs are 23 minutes each and a Leader's Guide is available online. Junior High - Adult.

Series includes one each of the following DVD titles:

Welcome Back
Rand welcomes both viewers and students to Drug Class. The new season begins with Chelsie. Last season, Chelsie's episode ended with her pregnancy. Now Chelsie is back in class with her baby boy. Bev Drew, FASD Prevention Program Coordinator Saskatchewan Prevention Institute, talks to the class about FASD. Chelsie shares what it's like to be a mom and the responsibilities that come with it.

How Do I Get Help?
Megan comes to Rand to discuss her drug and alcohol problem. New to the Drug Class program, Rand gives Megan a salvia test which indicate what drugs are in her system. Megan reveals she has been into meth and ecstasy, uses marijuana and alcohol but feels she is ready to start making positive changes in her life. A few weeks later, the police find Megan and her friends drinking in an open field. Megan says she is in control and will quit when she is ready.

Celebrate Sobriety
At 15, Hayley is preparing to celebrate her first year of sobriety. In an interview Hayley shares the insecurities that made her want to drink and how far she has come. A few weeks before her one-year sobriety birthday, Hayley slips. Upset, she talks with her counselor who helped her into sobriety. Her counselor reassures her she is doing well and encourages her to find her passion. Hayley decides to spend more time with her photography.

Making Amends
Caroline is working hard to become clean and sober. She realizes that her drug use has broken the trust with her family, who no longer want to see her. Caroline writes them a letter apologizing for the years of anguish she has put them through. She hopes it will be enough to get a second chance.

Brain Chemistry
Rand shows his group SPECT images of normal brains and brain images of those who belong to people who have spent years drinking and doing drugs. Dr. Ekong, a neurosurgeon, provides a look at brains which have been eroded through drinking and drugs. Also featured is the video "Which Brain Do you Want?" courtesy of Dr. Amen from the Amen Clinics that helps teens realize that what they are doing is affecting them more than they know. Drug Class participants hold up different brain images and discuss what they think their brain might look like.

Finding Independence
Michael has now been sober for five months. He decides he would like his independence and decides it is time to move out of his mom's house. Michael is disappointed when he realizes that being on his own is more than he can handle right now. Rand addresses the problems related to being on your own.

Binge Drinking
Jessa has significantly reduced her consumption of drug use, but continues to binge drink. Although Jessa feels she has much improved and is not ready to quit, Rand gives her a quiz that shows that her drinking habits are still serious. In a classroom session, Rand warns his students of the deadly effects of binge drinking.

Megan's Seminar
Through the help of a treatment centre Megan has decided to quit drinking and doing drugs. As part of her treatment, Rand helps her and Hayley become involved in an FASD seminar where they will tell their story. Megan feels the seminar has helped her realize how far she has come which elevates her self-esteem.

Is Treatment Right for You?
After more relapses, Caroline discusses with Rand that she needs help and has decided to go back to a treatment centre. The episode takes a look into youth treatment centers and what is involved. In the end, Caroline decides to leave treatment after one week.

Staying Healthy
This episode shares the importance of staying healthy and ways of accomplishing this. Krystal talks about how friendships can be harmful and Rand helps her understand that what her friends do are not her responsibilities. The episode also takes a look at how to centre through meditation and Rand provides wristbands for the students so they can be more aware of their thoughts.

What is Codependency?
Michael and his mother Keely discuss their drug and alcohol problems and their co- dependency issues. They also have realized, that becoming clean and sober together has also strengthened their relationship and helped them become more independent.

The Dark Side of Drugs
Many of the youth feel that drugs and alcohol are a good way to have fun. Many don't realize that repeated use takes them into the dark side of life. Hayley and others share their thoughts on suicide; and Cst. Rene Shank of the RCMP talks about the chemicals used to make drugs in dirty clandestine labs.

The Reunion
Participants from Drug Class 1 and 2 join the Drug Class 3 participants to share where they are now, and how Drug Class has helped improve their lives.

DVDs also sold individually.

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