Expressionary! Board Game

Expressionary! Board Game

Expressionary! Board Game
Product Number 350116
Price: $59.95


Expressionary! Board Game

Ages: 12-17. Created by Amanda L. Gissel, M.A. Expressionary! is a game for teens and adults about feelings - what situations bring them up and the many different ways they can be expressed. Whether through words or non-verbally through movement and drawings, Expressionary! makes it easy and fun for players to express their feelings and thoughts. The object of the game is to have the highest number of tokens through correctly guessing other player's expressions, and being able to effectively communicate with others. The game is a must-have for every educator's, therapist's, or family's game collection! 4-12 players.

Game board
40 Feelings cards
40 Situation cards
8 Place markers
1-minute timing device