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LifeSteps: Bouncing Back DVD

LifeSteps: Bouncing Back DVD

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Product Number 349816
Price: $59.95


LifeSteps: Bouncing Back DVD

With Michael Pritchard. Grade level: 6-12. Students learn the essentials of resiliency- how to identify internal strengths and external support, build perseverance, and maintain a positive sense of self-worth and optimism. The objectives of this program are for viewers to learn to recognize common sources of disappointment and loss; to explore the emotions that accompany disappointment and loss; to become more aware of the signs of depression; to identify a network of support during crisis periods; and to increase resiliency through the acquisition of positive coping skills for dealing with disappointment, loss, and depression. 30-minutes, leader's guide available online.

Features actual students filmed in actual schools and uses lively, spontaneous discussions, dramatized dilemmas, topical humor, and the sensitive, supportive guidance of Michael Pritchard to encourage, engage, and educate viewers. Pritchard is a youth educator, humorist, actor, former probation officer, and host of award-winning series.

This DVD is also part of the LifeSteps DVD Series.

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