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My Body Is Mine, My Feelings Are Mine Book

My Body Is Mine, My Feelings Are Mine Book

Product Number 367100
Price: $19.95


My Body Is Mine, My Feelings Are Mine Book

Ages: 4-9. By Susan Hoke, LCSW, ACSW and illustrated by Bruce Van Patter.

A Storybook About Body Safety for Young Children with an Adult Guidebook. This is an engaging book for young children to teach them important information about protecting themselves from the possibility of sexual abuse. It is recommended that the adult guidelines be read before you read this storybook with young children. 78-pages, soft-cover.

This book includes important information for all adults on keeping children safe, including:
- Body Safety Tips
- How to Detect a Child Molester
- How to Detect a Victim
- Victim Checklist
- What to Do If a Child has Been Abused
- Resources and Hotline Reporting Phone Numbers

This book is also part of the Bibliotherapy Starter Set. To learn more about this set see product 1722A.

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