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The Wellness Lifestyle Workbook

The Wellness Lifestyle Workbook

The Wellness Lifestyle Workbook
Product Number 1346
Price: $49.95


The Wellness Lifestyle Workbook

Self-Assessments, Exercises and Educational Handouts by John J Liptak, Ed.D. & Ester Leutenberg

Wellness and health are interrelated, but distinct concepts. Health is considered free from disease. Wellness is much more complex. Wellness is the ability to fully integrate physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual well-being into an effective lifestyle.

This workbook contains six sections to help participants learn more about themselves and their lifestyles. All exercises are reproducible. They will learn about a wellness lifestyle that promotes health and well-being by exploring:

  • Coping with stress
  • Physical fitness
  • Creative leisure
  • Healthy relationships
  • Spiritual wellness
  • Life skills

  • This workbook is also part of the Life Skills & Mental Health Workbooks Set.
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