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Photo Social Stories Cards About Kids & Their Families Card Game

Photo Social Stories Cards About Kids & Their Families Card Game

Photo Social Stories Cards About Kids & Their Families Card Game
Product Number 1908
Price: $27.95


Photo Social Stories Cards About Kids & Their Families Card Game

Ages 5-12. By Mike Canavan and Lawrence Shapiro, Ph.D. Based on a widely accepted technique developed by Carol Grey, each card presents a basic social concept that children need to learn to get along with family members. The stories help children pay attention to important social cues, to understand the perspective of others, and to respond appropriately in social situations. This set of 35 cards includes topics like putting away your toys, starting a conversation, mealtime, sharing, homework, understanding others' feelings, and many more. Each story is followed by bulleted highlights and a set of interactive questions to stimulate discussion. The photographs on each card were selected to provide children with a visual understanding of the challenges in getting along with others.

This book is also part of the Photo Social Stories Card Set. To learn more about the set see product 1909A.

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